So finally back to the rest of the UK vacation pics. On Monday I left Mr. Billy working in London and borded the East Coast Express for Edinburgh. Let me first say that the US could do with a little bit of the high speed rail thing. The trip was easy, 5 hours up and 5 back which left me about 6 hours to tour the home of the Scots. The only incident was provided by a perfectly lovely woman who's face appears in the dictionary next to the phrase "Ugly American." She started the day by berating me for sitting too near her (this was immediately resolved) and then proceeded to in a loud voice inquire..."so how much did you pay for your ticket anyway cuz I am on a tour?" She then went on to tell everyone on the train that the Scots are completely ignorant for pronouncing their Capital city's name Edinboro since in America everyone knows it's really Edinberg. DEELITEFUL!
But I digress...My family originally comes from Scotland and though on this trip there wasn't enough time to look up any second cousins, etc. it was fascinating to see the land of my people.
Getting off the train at Edinburgh Waverly station I was immediately in love with the city. The Scott memorial rises above the streets surrounding the city on the bank of the long dry river that separates the old town and the new town.
One of the highlights of the day was the tour of Edingurgh Castle.
And finally what I really came to see...the Holyrood Palace and the glorious ruins of Holyrood Abby which I saw during a beautiful (and early) Scottish sunset.
Exhausted, I made my way back to Waverly Station for the long ride back to London, vowing that ifI ran into my loud traveling companion on the way back that I would mount a Jacobite Uprising of my own...I did and I did!
To all, to each, a fair good night, and pleasing dreams and slumbers light.
Sir Walter Scott